Saturday, February 11, 2006

We are the Dropkicks

Oh yes, we are.

This is the official blog of The Dropkicks, a crack podcasting unit whose weeks-long mission is to search out and assimilate all the knowledge they can on the Super 14 rugby competition. Played out between (pseudo-)provincial unions from Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, it is the premier Southern Hemisphere rugby competition that starts in February.

Once we have assimilated all the information we can, we pass it on to you, the consumer, the user, the public, to do with as you please. How do we do such wonders, you may ask? Well, firstly, through our podcast. And secondly, through this blog, which may, or may not, be updated occasionally.

So, for now, it is adieu. And remember to listen to our podcast, because it is really, really good. And we're not just saying that.

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