Note: before reading, please see this research article from Waikato University on "New Laddism" and know that the Dropkicks subscribe whole-heartedly to being anti-New Laddism and Marc Ellis in general.
If I had to guess, I'd say she was right handed...
...or Popeye was new coach.
Speaking of manly.
ah, I always feel sorry for Amelie. She and Lindsey Davenport (former world #1) never got the big bucks or big attention because they don't happen to stunningly beautiful AND good at tennis.
For the same amount of money that was paid to Anna Kournikova to come and lose in Auckland a few years back we could've had Davenport and watched some fantastic tennis.
It was more the arm and shoulder that freaked me out for manliness.
But, on the good looking note. You’ve got to admit that males stars tend towards the good looking as well.
Must be the code. Attracts the “purdy”
Hmmmmm maybe.
I think If I wanted to watch the style of tennis of Mauresmo and Davenport, I'd watch men's tennis. seriously. Yes they were good but mainly cos they played the men's power game.
Justine Henin, now she knows how to play tennis. she has the best combination of power and touch. And she's better lookin than M and D. I think its very very very rare to find someone who is both very attractive and at the top of their sport.
In fact, I cant think of anyone, female or male...apart from me, of course.
yeah the boys are goodlookin too. Tennis is a fitness sport (to a large extent) which helps with the goodlookingness.
I agree that JH-H is a fantastic player and deserves the top ranking but I'd also argue that Federer is not the World's #1 because of his power play.
Last year's women's #1 was Maria Sharapova. Pretty and at the top of the game. (not as good as JH-H but she was injured)
I'd argue that Sharapova wasn't that hot. And Federer has plenty of power. I think what I was trying to say was that they were at the top of their code because they played with the power of men. I think I've forgotten my point. ah well.
And the top guys aren't exactly models. Federer has the sort of brow common south of Wellington, Nadal looks like an angry chipmunk, Tiger is actually quite goofy looking and none of the top All Blacks are oil paintings.
Yeah, I agree (except about Maria). Mostly there is a tendency to go "wow they're hot because they're on TV a lot" (see P. Hilton). I suppose there is also some evolutionary thing going on with watching sports people too (sussing out good genes etc).
ps. we should figure out some way that we can have these discussions live on the blog
Yip I agree with that. Its tragic to see so many people fascinated by a bung-eyed waif with all the personality of a bag of three day old fish & chips (Paris H) just because shes on TV.
But yes I agree the attraction is the fitness. Sharapova, Kournikova, that rookie indy car driver-chick (MmmMmmmm), its a genetic thing to be attracted to healthy bodies.
Rookie indy car girl? Coz there was a bit of a stir over Miss Danika Patrick
yeah, but this one is from Venezuela.
Milka Duno. And holy cow, shes amazing. Degrees up the wazoo, a racing driver, and pretty cute to boot.
4 masters degrees! Show off.
I hope that's a bad photo you sent through.
Because I'll still take Danika (anyone see her in that Jay-Z video driving the Bugatti?)
Yeah she wasn't quite as I remembered her when they showed her on TV. Ah well.
See, she was moving and athletic and stuff and your DNAs were all like "I believe that this female would a good vessel from whence* to pass on my genetic traits"
* which your DNAs say because they ain't so bright
You dont need to say FROM when you say WHENCE!!!!!
Did you see the asterisk?
one important part of the extended conversation was left out...
daniela hantuchova
And from the Brushback:
Unattractive Female Athlete Wins Something Or Other
BRISTOL, CT--An unattractive female athlete won something or other over the weekend and was seen holding some sort of trophy on television.
“A frumpy woman named Lindsey or Linda took home the trophy in some sort of athletic event today,” said Sportscenter anchor Scott Van Pelt.
“Here’s a shot of her hoisting the trophy surrounded by a bunch of other broads. The winning lady said, quote, ‘It is an honor to be mentioned among the greats in my sport and I only hope I can carry this title with grace and…’ whatever. You get the drill. She’s happy. Now, moving on to more important matters: The Akron Oilers defeated the Buffalo Desk Lamps in semi-pro football today.”
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