Che: Anyone believe this? McAllister Ready for Mortlock
Dom: Setting himself up for a big fall. I like the odds on Aussie. They are payin' four bucks!!! Could be worth a lazy $10.
Che: I keep thinking of the photo with him looking just plain scared.
Hadyn: I like it!
The All Blacks press commentary so far has been: "no we're ok" "I'm not a cheat" "ho ho we can still beat them ha ha"
What they need to be saying are things like:
"If the Aussies think they are so good why don't they stop cheating in the scrum?" and
"I am gonna fck up Mortlock so badly his family will need dental records to identify him"
Che: Spoken like someone who’s never been the little guy getting his ar$e handed to him by an evil wizard. [Hadyn has definitely been that person - ED]
Dom: Hey I thought Rocokoco wanted to be called Josevata from now on? Or has the lazy NZ media already decided that it cant be bothered.
Hadyn: I say the NZ Media couldn't think any puns or rhyming nicknames for Josevata ad went back to Joe.
and if McAlister made those claims then all he'd have to do is hit Mortlock once with a big frickin shoulder charge (Jacked. Up.) and it wouldn't matter what else he did (rather like Monsieur Chabal)
Che: Except for the consequent lack of a centre.
I can see you saying that the ABs need a bit more mongrel in them, but have you seen that ad with all the multi-coloured balls rolling down that hill?
One of them was McAlister bouncing off the evil wizard Mortlock.
Hadyn: Have you seen Mortlock?
He's not exactly Carl Hayman. And he's old, a quick shoulder to the jaw will keep him quiet.
As to McAlister's subsequent binning, well he's not really present at centre anyway (boom boom)
Che:I still think McAlister will trip over Mortlock’s zimmer frame before he gets anywhere near the guy.
1 comment:
Man McAlistair really bears a striking resemblance to a chimp in that photo. Can we get some cool comparison photos put alongside it?
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