A really little Te Reo.
In fact, a little, gingery, squeaky Te Reo.
Now, apparently every man and his dog has seen the video we're linking to, so, we, in the spirit of good humour, have decided to put it up here on the blog. Just in case your the only person who hasn't seen it yet.
Now, this does not mean that we endorse confectionery haka.
No. If some smart-arse tries to turn Te Kapa O Pango into a bunch of liquorice allsorts prancing about like they're gunna pwn the candy store... the Dropkicks will be calling the PC-Police.
This is our man here, to your right.
And why I hear you ask?
Because the Dropkicks take the Haka very seriously.
Almost as seriously, in fact, as the Tongan team shown below (about 40s in).
These guys know that the Haka is not to be trifled with.
And no... no friggin dancing trifles either...
So here's the video. Two million hits they reckon!
But... it could be worse. check out the styles on these old geezers.
Pity our man can't pay a trip to the 1970s. No Wiki o Te Reo Māori back then.
It shows.
All due respect to (is that Sid Going?) and co., but they are absolutely disgraceful.
And not just because somebody's clearly told the whiteys in the team that the leg action can be approximated with a "kick-start my Mod scooter" action.
Holy Jesus.
One of them looks like he's having the same kind of trouble coordinating arm actions as if he was trying to do that "pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time" gag.
Man, that is just ... terrible.
Obviously most of them don't even know the actions - look at 'em all with their eyes glued to Sid, trying to figure out what's supposed to happen next.
As per Stephen: holy jesus.
Earlier than 1979 though.
Given the players there - I can see Going, Kirkpatrick, Wyllie, Karam, Batty, Whiting, in a very quick scan - I think its the haka before the 1973 game against the Barbarians.
From memory they were criticsied for never doing the haka during the entire tour so they did it for the last game.
And lost. Badly.
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