I really would.
But. I can't.
Frankly, while the guy might on the good day be on the ball like a fat man on a sandwich, this type of theatrics just plain pisses me off.
Look at him there, singing his little heart out. Woodcock is there too, saying, "Bloody good on you mate. Wrong words, but good on you for trying." Muliaina is kind of leaning away from Byron there though, and thinking, "Shit, busted on camera with this guy. Again."
But it is the anthem after all, a time for passion and damp eyes out there in the freezing rain when you know you're going to hand the Wallabies their arses on a plate.
The haka is something different though. Why in the hell TV cameramen insist on showing this idiot is completely beyond me...
Note to self guys, the haka is not about enthusiasm. Any damn fool can be enthusiastic.
The haka is about inner strength. It's about te wehi, the awesome power. It's about the frickin' eye of the tiger. That look that says, "I'm going to completely demolish you, your team, your coach, the team masseur, and that guy there carrying the water. Yeah... and just you try and stop me..."
It's not about some bloke waving his arms like an albatross before bursting into tears.
So do us all a favour and stop showing this embarrassment before every game. Focus on someone... anyone... but this. Please.
Maen to that; this idiot is getting way out of hand.
Too many acting lessons from former girlfriend methinks.
I menat "Amen"....
Heh, I was thinking that maybe the national anthem was "their song" and every time he hears it he gets a little teary.
I agree Che (as will be heard in the next cast). We want less of this (though note Anton looks like he's in a boxing match). And more of this!
Piri Weepu should still be in the squad purely for being 10^e better at Kapa Haka than Byron.
I'm all for the ABs singing their anthem and looking slightly enthused - but I agree that Byron does look a bit panto when he does the haka. Less is definitely more sometimes.
'Retarded' is one word that comes to mind when I look at that photo.
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