Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Updates, Links and Other Stuff

Hello. Sorry, we've been pretty slack in the past few weeks in keeping you up to date with goings on in our little world.

So here is a list of stuff:

1. The Crusaders are going to win the Super 14. We've said it before, we'll say it again. And we've just said it here.

2. We, along with some other - patently inferior! - rugby podcasts, have been featured at the Podcast NZ website. Be quick to check it out, as the feature will probably change before too long.

3. Our Virtual Super 14 season is not progressing quite as well as it should be (considering, or maybe that should be in spite of, our intellectual capability): we are currently lying in 65,346th position out of 142,998 players. Not the worst. Not the worst.

And that's basically it for now. Keep listening to our podcasts - they're informed, they're funny and they're all ready for you to download!

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