Friday, March 02, 2007

British v foreign footballers

Another good story from PopBitch, of all places (the previous Quote of the Week story was also sourced from there.) This tells the story of Ian Walker and Espen Baardsen, Tottenham Hotspur's goalies a decade back...

Walker in those days said his greatest ambition was "to be marooned on a desert island with an endless supply of lager, women and Sky TV." Sadly, Ian recently checked into Tony Adams' Sporting Chance Clinic suffering from depression, after a spell in Las Vegas. He visited on a property investment trip but instead met and shacked up with an exotic dancer, without telling his wife and children.

While at Spurs, American-born Norwegian Baardsen took an Open University degree in social sciences and economics. He retired aged 25, saying he had lost his passion for the game and spent a year travelling the world. Baardsen now works for London based asset management firm Eclectica as an analyst, after training at a Hedge Fund. He says his preferred reading is Milton Friedman and Immanuel Kant.

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