Friday, October 27, 2006

Dear Diary...

You might think the official All Black diaries might reveal some insight into the team culture and tradition we hear so much about. But do they? Here's some thoughts from the world's premier number 10, Dan Carter...
Dear Diary, because training was pushed back to 5pm today I ended up sleeping until about 9:30am. I try and look for about 9-10 hours sleep a night – especially when we're training hard – otherwise I get a bit tired. Breakfast consisted of a plate of fruit and a couple of poached eggs on toast followed by a pineapple juice. I'm lucky that I can eat whatever I want and not put on too much weight. [After a photo-shoot] I was hungry again so I found a tin of spaghetti in the team room and took some bread back to my room and cooked up spaghetti on toast.
Still awake? How about Jerry Collins...?
Dear Diary, the weather's been pretty sunny during the day but it's still been on the cold side, which are good conditions to train in. There's been a little bit of rain but that's to be expected in Auckland. Our trainer Graham Lowe tells me I've got the biggest guns in the team, I think the biggest I've had them is 52cm – that's when I broke my leg in 2002 and was walking on my hands. Heaps of guys are trying to take the title and Neh's (Neemia Tialata) getting close. Neh has the chest, back and definitely the legs but he doesn’t have the arms, and the lady's [sic] don't care about the legs and back – they like the guns.
They like the guns! Classic.

Admittedly, some of the diary entries reveal a few interesting tidbits: Collins confesses that Rodney So'oialo and Isaia Toeava have terrible memories for the playbook, whereas Sam Tuitupou has the best. Tuitupou walks us through an All Blacks training drill. And Byron Kelleher's 'go-to dish' is chicken stuffed with a bit of cream cheese and mango.

Man, they talk about food a lot.

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