Thursday, October 12, 2006

Episode 27

Broadcasting from their secret lair deep within the bowels of Wellington, New Zealand, the intrepid Dropkicks bring you their latest amazing installment (right click, save target as...)

This week Dom "The Mallet" Gibbs, Hadyn "Insert Nickname Here" Green and Che "Triple T" Tibby regale you with tales of deering-do from around the sporting world.

So sit back, close your eyes and take in the full mono experience as their dulcet tones entertain every part of your soul, and if you're lucky, you may even come away just that little bit more informed than you were before. Even if it's only to confirm your belief that the Dropkicks are idiots. Funny idiots, to be sure. But idiots nonetheless.

The Dropkicks - Episode 27 (right click, save target as...)

ps. remember the competition to give Hadyn a nickname, you could win an Adidas pack AND a signed photo of the Dropkicks. You will be coolest person on your street! And it's open to everyone around the world! Email us with your entry.

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